My personal hell of translating DXIL to SPIR-V – part 5

Time for despair

It has taken way too long to get to this point, but we must address the final challenge of translating DXIL, a claustrophobic mess that haunts me to this day, the most nightmarish set of poorly understood heuristics which come together to put pretty pixels on screen. It is of course, the act of untangling spaghetti and turning unstructured control flow into structured control flow.

True impostor syndrome kicks in

Doing compiler things without knowing what you’re doing is agonizing. You can never trust yourself and whatever I did for DXIL structurization has turned out to fail 30+ times, and each time I fix a critical bug and move on. The only thing I can say for sure is that it’s becoming asymptotically correct, and I have been able to make 100k+ AAA shaders compile and validate correctly, but every new insane scenario DXC (LLVM) throws at me could be the one to break everything, because if you cannot mathematically prove a compiler algorithm you might be extremely screwed because the edge cases are truly insane. The true compiler nerds are probably giggling in the corner 🙂

Goal for this post

The goal for this post is to go through the basic theory needed to understand the structurizer. The topic itself will take many posts to fully cover, so this is a good start.

GraphViz – visual debugging

GraphViz is a corner stone of debugging control flow, so the very first thing we need is to be able to dump out a CFG to a PDF. Fortunately, there is just the tool for the job.

For example we can start with an extremely basic shader from the test suite:

RWByteAddressBuffer Buf : register(u0);

[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void main(uint3 index : SV_DispatchThreadID)
  uint result = 0;

  // Single branch
  if (index.x == 10)
    result = 40;
  result = 50;

  // 2-level branch
  if (index.x == 20)
    if (index.y == 30)
      result += 20;
      result *= result;
    if (index.y == 40)
      result += 70;
      result *= 10;

  Buf.Store(0, result);

If we dump this input to GraphViz we get:

digraph {
1 [label="1", shape="box"];
2 [label=".entry", shape="box"];
2 -> 1;
3 [label="2", shape="box"];
2 -> 3;
3 -> 1;
4 [label="3", shape="box"];
1 -> 4;
5 [label="4", shape="box"];
1 -> 5;
6 [label="7", shape="box"];
5 -> 6;
7 [label="8", shape="box"];
5 -> 7;
8 [label="9", shape="box"];
7 -> 8;
6 -> 8;
9 [label="5", shape="box"];
4 -> 9;
10 [label="6", shape="box"];
4 -> 10;
10 -> 8;
9 -> 8;

Then, we have this trivial Python script to dump to PDF:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from graphviz import Source
import sys

def main():
  s = Source.from_file(sys.argv[1])

if __name__ == '__main__':

For debugging purposes, we can dump out a GraphViz after every major transformation step, of which there are many. For reference, here’s the final structured output, which we will study in greater detail. Of course, this is baby mode compared to what we have to deal with later, but gotta start somewhere.

SPIRV-Tools also has a tool to extract a GraphViz from a SPIR-V module.

spirv-cfg -o test.graph test.spv

This is super handy as well! The graph can be visualized with the same Python script.

SPIRV-Tools is also critical since we lean heavily on the SPIR-V validator to verify that our SPIR-V output conforms to structured rules.

Basic theory for the non-compiler nerds

When trying to learn this stuff, you will encounter terminology from graph theory and any learning material surrounding this topic will usually come from CS textbooks or lectures which assume you have all that background knowledge (I have an EE background, not CS or fancy math). These concepts become the basic primitives of any algorithms we have to perform on the CFG. None of this is particularly difficult, sure, but needs to be understood at a deep level.


Asks the question of “can block A reach block B”? In the example above, 4 can reach 9 by branching via either 7 or 8, but 4 cannot reach 6. This is quite intuitive.


In loops, a back-edge branches back to the beginning of the loop. This is detected when A can reach B and B branches to A.

Here is an example where 3 has a back-edge to itself.

Note: I tend to mix up back-edge as a block (continue statement) and the branch itself.

This makes the CFG cyclic. We can eliminate back-edges from a DXIL CFG and achieve an acyclic CFG.

I believe this property is what makes the CFG reducible. Irreducible CFGs can have completely random gotos that make it impossible to ensure an acyclic graph without some extra preprocessing. DXIL fortunately does not support irreducible CFGs. It is also its only saving grace …

In our implementations back-edges are treated as special branches that happen in loops, and for sake of reachability analysis we only consider reachability to be acyclic.

There can only be one back-edge branch to a particular block. I think this is what LLVM defines. I have never seen a counter example, but if it happens, we can trivially rewrite the graph to only have one back-edge.


Usually abbreviated “preds”. If A branches directly to B, A is a predecessor of B. Back-edges are not counted in our implementation, they are recorded separately as a pred_back_edge.


Usually abbreviated “succs”. If A branches directly to B, B is a successor of A. Back-edges are not counted in our implementation, they are recorded separately as a succ_back_edge.


Domination happens when we have two blocks A and B and in order to reach B, control flow must pass through A as well. A block dominates itself. Strict domination is when A != B.


Post-domination happens when we have two blocks A and B, and if control flow reaches block A, control flow must then flow into B.

Immediate dominator

Among all blocks which dominate a block A, finds the closest block which dominates A. Often called idom.

Immediate post-dominator

Same as idom, but post-dominance rather than dominance.

Domination frontier

Assume we have a block A which dominates a set of blocks B. If a block in B branches to a block C, and A does not dominate C, C is in the domination frontier set of A. This is somewhat abstract, but it’s an extremely useful analysis tool for later. E.g.:

For block 4, 9 is in the domination frontier. For block 7, 9.4.ladder is in the domination frontier.

Post-domination frontier

Same idea, but for post-dominance. E.g. for block 7, 4 would be in the post-domination frontier. For 9.4.ladder, 1 would be in the frontier, etc. The post-domination frontier is particularly useful as an analysis tool to figure out which control flow decisions contribute to a block being executed.

Common (post-)dominator

Given candidates B and C, finds the closest block A which (post-)dominates both B and C.

Loop analysis

Loops in unstructured control flow can be very awkward to reason about, but we have a way to specify loops precisely.

The loop header

A loop header is any block which has a back-edge branching to it. In reducible CFGs which DXIL requires, the loop header must dominate the back-edge.

The continue block

The back-edge block is the continue block. SPIR-V allows a “continuing construct” which means it can span multiple blocks, but we don’t use that.

Defining the loop body

When we have a loop header and a continue block, we can deduce the loop body as any block which is dominated by header and can reach the continue block. Once we can no longer reach the continue block, we are breaking out of the loop. We call these blocks “loop exits”.

For example, 3 is a loop header, 6 is a continue block. The loop body is {3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 6}. 9 is the only loop exit.

Issues for later …

As we will see later, this definition of a loop is fundamentally flawed when we consider subgroup operations in non-uniform control flow. A single-threaded CPU execution model that LLVM caters to does not care about any of this, but GPU execution certainly does since semantics change depending on how we define convergence.

Computing the CFG

In the implementation, we will recompute the CFG at many points, usually after performing transformations on the CFG. Here are some of the things we need to do:

Compute post-visit order

Essentially, a depth-first traversal, where each node is assigned a visitation index. The rule is if A can reach B, post_visit_index(A) > post_visit_index(B). We also detect back edges this way. A node is only visited once.

If we don’t visit a node, it means it’s not reachable anymore (can happen after rewriting the CFG), and we remove the node, which means purging dead predecessors.

We can also build an array of nodes which we can traverse through and know that we will walk the tree in an appropriate order. Iterating over the post-visit order backwards will ensure that dominators are visited before our dominated blocks for example. This is used when we …

Compute immediate dominators

The algorithm for this is pretty easy once we have post-visit orders in place.

void CFGNode::recompute_immediate_dominator()
  if (pred.empty())
    // For entry block only.
    immediate_dominator = this;
    immediate_dominator = nullptr;

    for (auto *edge : pred)
      if (immediate_dominator)
        immediate_dominator =
          CFGNode::find_common_dominator(immediate_dominator, edge);
        immediate_dominator = edge;

Finding a common dominator (simplified) is done by:

while (a != b)
  if (a->post_visit_order < b->post_visit_order)
    a = a->immediate_dominator;
    b = b->immediate_dominator;
Compute reachability

Here we build a simple LUT where we can test if post_visit_order A can reach post_visit_order B.

void CFGStructurizer::visit_reachability(const CFGNode &node)
  uint32_t *dst_reachability =
    &reachability_bitset[node.forward_post_visit_order *

  for (auto *succ : node.succ)
    // Inherit reachability from all successors.
    const uint32_t *src_reachability =
      &reachability_bitset[succ->forward_post_visit_order *
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < reachability_stride; i++)
      dst_reachability[i] |= src_reachability[i];

  // We can reach ourselves.
  dst_reachability[node.forward_post_visit_order / 32] |=
    1u << (node.forward_post_visit_order & 31u);

void CFGStructurizer::build_reachability()
  reachability_stride = (forward_post_visit_order.size() + 31) / 32;
  reachability_bitset.resize(reachability_stride *
  for (auto *node : forward_post_visit_order)

It’s nice how the structures we build feed into each other. We compose this as saying that if B can reach C, and A can reach B, A can reach C.

Compute dominance frontiers

Similarly, the dominance frontier is built bottom-up.

void CFGStructurizer::recompute_dominance_frontier(CFGNode *node)
  // If we don't dominate our successor, it's a frontier.
  for (auto *succ : node->succ)
    if (succ->immediate_dominator != node)

  // Inherit frontiers.
  if (auto *idom = node->immediate_dominator)
    for (auto *frontier_node : node->dominance_frontier)
      if (!idom->dominates(frontier_node))

The recursive definition here is that if A dominates B, then any dominance frontier of B is also in the dominance frontier of A.

Congratulations! You can now say dominance frontier casually with a straight face :V

The backwards traversal

To compute post-dominance and post-dominance frontiers, we have to do the same thing, just backwards. Flip successors into predecessors and vice versa, but we have some problems. The normal traversal has one unique entry node, but there can be multiple leaf nodes (think returns from a branch)! This means there are many entry blocks when we traverse backwards, and this breaks the algorithm.

Another problem is loops. Consider this example, which demonstrates both cases:

Here, 6 is not reachable through backwards traversal from 1. 7 is a return block. What we need to solve the backwards traversal is to ensure we have a unique start node. For this purpose, we will invent an EXIT node. Any return will be considered to branch to that EXIT node. Back-edges are special. For backwards traversal, we will instead invent a “fake” branch from the back-edge to the common post-dominator of all loop exits. (That is a mouthful.)

This is the first of many silly ideas I came up with … After this point, assume I have no idea what I’m talking about. 😐

Dotted lines are fake branches we can use for backwards traversal.

What does it mean to be structured?

A structured CFG basically means the control flow closely maps to higher level languages without gotos. Rather than spaghetti, the control flow is like an onion. It’s somewhat difficult to precisely define it (study the SPIR-V specification), but the basic gist is something like:

Every block exists in a scope

A block can be enclosed by many scopes. A scope could be a selection construct or a loop construct.

Selection construct

When a node has more than one successors, we begin a selection construct, where that node is a header. A selection construct has a merge node where execution reconvenes. A header must dominate its merge node. The selection construct is whatever the header dominates minus whatever the merge node dominates. Intuitively:

if (blah)
// MERGE, not part of construct

No crossing streams

A block from outside a construct must not branch into the construct, except through the header block.

No shared merge block

A block cannot be the merge block for multiple headers.

Loop construct

A loop header begins the construct. The loop construct contains all blocks which are dominated by the loop header, minus whatever is dominated by the merge block. See example earlier.

Notice how this is (fatally) different from unstructured loops. Unstructured loops leave the construct when they can no longer reach the continue block. Structured loops don’t exit until they reach the merge block.

Leaving a construct

A loop defines a “break” target as well as a “continue” target. The only valid ways to leave a selection construction is through its own merge block, the innermost break, or innermost continue target.

Unlike some languages, SPIR-V does not allow “multi-break”. A loop construct functions as a barrier to how far we can break. We can only break out of one loop construct at a time (except with return, but DXIL code is all inlined). Solving this is … an ordeal 🙂

Switch constructs

Switch blocks are selection constructs, but they have a special property where the merge target of switch also serves as a break block. Oddly enough, you can break directly out of a switch and a loop at the same time, which is not allowed in normal high level languages, but oh well.

Edge cases for selection constructs

It is possible that a selection construct has one branch being a “break” or “continue”, and the other branch is as normal. This special case does not require a selection construct.

Another situation is when both paths of a selection construct ends up breaking. Execution will never merge in this case, so it is possible to setup the merge block as an unreachable block with OpUnreachable instead.

Why do merge blocks matter?

In a world with SIMT-style execution of GPUs, two sets of invocations may branch off, but at some point they might want to join back again. Defining this can be done naturally through merge blocks. Without a notion of merge blocks, there is no way to meaningfully distinguish


In a scalar world such as CPUs this has same behavior, but certainly not in a SIMT world. If 4 does anything using subgroups or just normal texturing with implicit LOD, well … everything breaks.

From my understanding, OpenCL has a notion of divergence and convergence, but any well defined convergence must come through a merge block. In completely unstructured control flow, convergence is not well defined. From SPIR-V:

Uniform Control Flow: Uniform control flow (or converged control flow) occurs if all invocations (in the invocation group, unless otherwise stated) execute the same dynamic instance of an instruction. Uniform control flow is the initial state at the entry point, and lasts until a conditional branch takes different control paths for different invocations (non-uniform or divergent control flow). Such divergence can reconverge, with all the invocations once again executing the same control-flow path, and this re-establishes the existence of uniform control flow. If control flow is uniform upon entry into a structured loop or selection, and all invocations leave that loop or selection via the header block’s declared merge block, then control flow reconverges to be uniform at that merge block.

So here, we have explicit wording that we must use merge blocks to get guaranteed re-convergence. I couldn’t find any strong wording about this in CUDA, but the closest from skimming the docs was this:

For divergent control flow, the optimizing code generator automatically determines points of re-convergence

This is interesting, because this is exactly what we are going to have to do as well in dxil-spirv, but this is not exactly a strong guarantee. In practice, it should work fine, but I think this presents a good reason why structured control flow is a thing. I just wish IRs did not take the lazy route of just derping everything into unstructured control flow and expect implementations to guess the semantics. Sigh …

The classic subgroup breakage – maximal convergence gone awry

It’s time to go through the classic example of why we can reach catastrophic derpiness with unstructured control flow.

StructuredBuffer<uint> RO : register(t0);
RWStructuredBuffer<uint> RW : register(u0);

[numthreads(16, 1, 1)]
void main(uint thr : SV_DispatchThreadID)
    uint v = RO[thr];
    uint result;
    while (true)
        uint first = WaveReadLaneFirst(v);
        if (v == first)
            result = WaveActiveSum(v);

    RW[thr] = result;

It’s crystal clear what the programmer’s intention is here. We partition a wave into sets, which then participate in a wave-op in isolation, then they exit the loop. The loop is iterated N times. This is a very common waterfall pattern, but any experienced shader programmer will avoid this exact implementation of said pattern because it breaks over half the compilers out there … The real problem here is that according to unstructured control flow, the WaveActiveSum() is not inside the loop, because it cannot reach the continue block. Therefore we end up with a completely broken:

define void @main() {
  br label %6

; The loop, it does not do anything.
  %7 = call i32 @dx.op.waveReadLaneFirst.i32(i32 118, i32 %5)
  %8 = icmp eq i32 %5, %7
  br i1 %8, label %9, label %6

; Outside the loop.
  %10 = call i32 @dx.op.waveActiveOp.i32(i32 119, i32 %5, i8 0, i8 1)
  call void @dx.op.bufferStore.i32(...)
  ret void

The wave operation now happens outside the loop, with all threads active, no matter what. It is impossible to deduce the programmer’s intention at this point. Structured control flow does not have these ambiguities, because the loop does not end until we reach the merge block.

The high level code would look something like:

// A degenerate loop.
for (;;)
  if (RO[thr] == subgroupBroadcastFirst(RO[thr]))
RW[thr] = subgroupAdd(RO[thr]);

Indeed, the ACO ISA is devoid of branches here as the loop does nothing.

Funnily enough, while writing this, I found that the latest DXC versions actually go to great length to try (and fail!) to make this work somehow, through an absolutely disgusting trick:

@dx.break.cond = internal constant [1 x i32] zeroinitializer

define void @main() {
  %1 = load i32, i32* getelementptr inbounds ([1 x i32], [1 x i32]* @dx.break.cond, i32 0, i32 0)
  %2 = icmp eq i32 %1, 0
  %3 = call %dx.types.Handle @dx.op.createHandle(i32 57, i8 1, i32 0, i32 0, i1 false)
  %4 = call %dx.types.Handle @dx.op.createHandle(i32 57, i8 0, i32 0, i32 0, i1 false)
  %5 = call i32 @dx.op.threadId.i32(i32 93, i32 0)
  %6 = call %dx.types.ResRet.i32 @dx.op.bufferLoad.i32(i32 68, %dx.types.Handle %4, i32 %5, i32 0)
  %7 = extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.i32 %6, 0
  br label %8

; <label>:8 ; preds = %13, %0
  %9 = call i32 @dx.op.waveReadLaneFirst.i32(i32 118, i32 %7)
  %10 = icmp eq i32 %7, %9
  br i1 %10, label %11, label %13

; <label>:11 ; preds = %8
  %12 = call i32 @dx.op.waveActiveOp.i32(i32 119, i32 %7, i8 0, i8 1)
  br i1 %2, label %14, label %13

; <label>:13 ; preds = %11, %8
  br label %8

; <label>:14 ; preds = %11
  call void @dx.op.bufferStore.i32(i32 69, %dx.types.Handle %3, i32 %5, i32 0, i32 %12, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i8 1)
  ret void

What on earth is going on here? So, somehow DXC recognizes the horrible mistake of unstructured control flow, and tries to hack around it by forcing the breaking path to have a reachable path to the continue block. It does this by conditionally branching to continue or breaking depending on a value that is always 0. Apparently, it seems to do this in the most ridiculous way possible, by reading from a 1-element Private array which is zeroinitialized. This is probably done in an attempt to avoid optimizations which remove the branch. The high-level language now avoids the maximal convergence.

const uint _13[1] = uint[](0u);

bool _21 = _13[0u] == 0u; // Always evaluates to true.
for (;;)
  _52 = _46.value == subgroupBroadcastFirst(_46.value);
  if (_52)
    _53 = subgroupAdd(_46.value);
    if (_21)

However, we now have a situation where convergence depends entirely on how smart the backend compiler is. A compiler can detect that _21 is constant and eliminate the continue branch as dead code. At the same time however, this also means that we regress back to maximal convergence and everything breaks.

This particular case works as expected on AMD/Intel D3D12 drivers, but apparently NVIDIA’s D3D12 driver optimizes this back to maximal convergence and even this nasty hack fails. Fun times … I’m not even sure I can call that a bug. It’s not like any of this is well defined in DXIL 🙂

This isn’t a fantasy example, Microsoft’s own examples trip this scenario as well:

// Is equivalent to writing a loop like this:
while (true) {
  if (WaveReadLaneFirst(expr) == expr) {
    sum = WavePrefixSum(value));

Sigh … Loops are a real PITA.


This concludes CFG 101. Unfortunately, we still have not reached the actual juicy algorithms, but it took way too many words just to go through the bare minimum of CFG theory.


My personal hell of translating DXIL to SPIR-V – part 4

It has been quite a while since the last post where I discussed the binding model shenanigans of D3D12, and as promised, it’s time to look at AMD code-gen for various API patterns we find in D3D12 when translated to Vulkan and the ACO compiler in RADV.

At a fundamental level, the AMD ISAs haven’t changed all that much since the GCN 1.0 days, for good reason. Arguably, it’s still the cleanest and most flexible descriptor model of any GPU architecture and it’s a very useful architecture to understand at a low level.

As discussed last time, the same DXIL code can translate to many different code patterns in SPIR-V. The Root Signature object in D3D12 not only concerns itself with mapping binding points, but also controls the physical implementation of how resources are accessed. This means we have to deal with all of this junk in dxil-spirv somehow.

Using Fossilize as our cross-vendor RGA – fossilize-synth and fossilize-disasm

For the ISA experiments we conduct here, we’ll use fossilize-synth and fossilize-disasm. These CLI tools are part of the Fossilize project and they can be used to conduct ISA experiments like these quite handily. Unlike RGA, fossilize-synth can automatically generate a compatible VkPipelineLayout, VkRenderPass and PSO state for given shaders and record this as a Fossilize archive. We can then replay it with fossilize-disasm, target ISA output and output ISA on any driver that supports VK_KHR_pipeline_executable_properties fully.

$ dxil-spirv --output test.spv test.dxil
$ fossilize-synth --output test.foz --comp test.spv
Fossilize INFO: Successfully synthesized a FOZ archive to /tmp/test.foz.
$ fossilize-disasm --target isa --output /tmp test.foz
Fossilize INFO: Dumping disassembly to: /tmp/888210fc26602b56.main.a2d87808e64b9164.comp

How many ways can we implement Constant Buffer View?

Welcome to hell.

Constant buffers can be implemented a million different ways, so let’s have a look at what we generate for an RDNA2 chip and some alternatives we have to use for other vendors. As a test shader, we start with this HLSL compute shader:

cbuffer Cbuf : register(b0)
  uint4 v;

RWStructuredBuffer<uint4> RW : register(u0);

[numthreads(64, 1, 1)]
void main(uint thr : SV_DispatchThreadID)
  RW[thr] *= v;

1. Root constant – Global Root Signature

Root constants translate naturally to push constants in Vulkan. The Vulkan GLSL representation of dxil-spirv output is:

#version 450
layout(local_size_x = 64, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;

layout(set = 0, binding = 0, std430) buffer SSBO
  uvec4 _m0[];
} _13;

layout(push_constant, std430) uniform RootConstants
  uint _m0;
  uint _m1;
  uint _m2;
  uint _m3;
} registers;

void main()
  uvec4 _33 = uvec4(registers._m0, registers._m1,
    registers._m2, registers._m3);
  _13._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x] = 
    uvec4(_13._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].x * _33.x,
          _13._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].y * _33.y,
          _13._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].z * _33.z,
          _13._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].w * _33.w);
s_mov_b32 s0, s3
s_movk_i32 s3, 0x8000
s_load_dwordx4 s[8:11], s[2:3], 0x0
v_lshl_add_u32 v0, s7, 6, v0
v_lshlrev_b32_e32 v0, 4, v0
s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)

// Interesting work begins here
buffer_load_dwordx4 v[4:7], v0, s[8:11], 0 offen
s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
v_mul_lo_u32 v8, v4, s0
v_mul_lo_u32 v9, v5, s4
v_mul_lo_u32 v10, v6, s5
v_mul_lo_u32 v11, v7, s6
buffer_store_dwordx4 v[8:11], v0, s[8:11], 0 offen

The first thing to understand about GCN and RDNA is the execution model. On basically any modern GPU, threads are executed in groups. “Waves”, “warps” and “subgroups” are all names for the same thing. “Wave” is the preferred AMD naming, so we’ll use that. An instruction here is either a wide vector instruction or a scalar instruction. Scalar instructions run once in the small scalar unit, and vector instructions run wide.

Scalar registers and vector registers are similar here. v registers are per-lane (called VGPR), and scalar s registers are stored once per wave (called SGPR). To translate this to x86-speak, SGPRs are normal registers like rax, rbx, etc. VGPRs would be AVX-2048 monsters, crunching 64 operations in parallel.

A critical performance consideration when targeting AMD is “scalarization”. When data is the same across a wave, we can place it in scalar registers. This keeps register pressure down. We have scalar registers in abundance, but using too many vector registers leads to poor occupancy. Shifting vector registers to scalar registers is therefore a sound strategy.

With this in mind, let’s look at the interesting bit:

s_mov_b32 s0, s3
v_mul_lo_u32 v8, v4, s0
v_mul_lo_u32 v9, v5, s4
v_mul_lo_u32 v10, v6, s5
v_mul_lo_u32 v11, v7, s6

This is the meat of the work. When execution is begun, the root constants are already placed in s3, s4, s5 and s6. This is ideal. No need to load anything explicitly. This is possible because of “User SGPRs”. There is however, a strict limit to how much “User SGPR” data we can hold. If we have too many constants, the driver is forced to insert indirection.

For example, consider:

cbuffer Cbuf : register(b0)
  uint4 v0;
  uint4 v1;
  uint4 v2;
  uint4 v3;

RWStructuredBuffer<uint4> RW : register(u0);

[numthreads(64, 1, 1)]
void main(uint thr : SV_DispatchThreadID)
  RW[thr] *= v0;
  RW[thr] *= v1;
  RW[thr] *= v2;
  RW[thr] *= v3;

Now we end up with:

s_mov_b32 s0, s3
s_movk_i32 s1, 0x8000
s_clause 0x1
s_load_dwordx4 s[16:19], s[0:1], 0x20
s_load_dwordx4 s[20:23], s[0:1], 0x30
s_movk_i32 s3, 0x8000
s_load_dwordx4 s[0:3], s[2:3], 0x0
v_lshl_add_u32 v0, s12, 6, v0
v_lshlrev_b32_e32 v0, 4, v0
s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
buffer_load_dwordx4 v[4:7], v0, s[0:3], 0 offen
s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)
v_mul_lo_u32 v4, v4, s4
v_mul_lo_u32 v5, v5, s5
v_mul_lo_u32 v6, v6, s6
v_mul_lo_u32 v1, v7, s7
v_mul_lo_u32 v4, v4, s8
v_mul_lo_u32 v5, v5, s9
v_mul_lo_u32 v2, v6, s10
v_mul_lo_u32 v1, v1, s11
v_mul_lo_u32 v3, v4, s16
v_mul_lo_u32 v4, v5, s17
v_mul_lo_u32 v2, v2, s18
v_mul_lo_u32 v1, v1, s19
v_mul_lo_u32 v8, v3, s20
v_mul_lo_u32 v9, v4, s21
v_mul_lo_u32 v10, v2, s22
v_mul_lo_u32 v11, v1, s23
buffer_store_dwordx4 v[8:11], v0, s[0:3], 0 offen

Some of the root constants were promoted to User SGPR, but some were not and the driver had to spill those to memory somewhere, and load them.

s_load_dwordx4 s[16:19], s[0:1], 0x20
s_load_dwordx4 s[20:23], s[0:1], 0x30

Since the constants are the same for all threads, we can load them directly into SGPRs instead of doing silly broadcasts.

Scalar loads on AMD have special properties. First, they target the constant cache (K$) instead of normal data caches. The K$ is not coherent with the data caches, so we can use the K$ if the address to load is scalar and we know that we do not need to alias with other writes. SSBO loads can actually use this path too if these constraints are met, which will come in handy in the next section.

2. Root descriptor – Global Root Signature – Buffer Device Address (BDA)

Root descriptors in D3D12 are designed to be raw pointers to data and they take up 64 bits in the root signature. It is up to the implementation to figure out what to do about the raw pointer, and in vkd3d-proton we prefer to translate this to push constant BDA on AMD.

Let’s first try with dynamically uniform address:

cbuffer Cbuf : register(b0)
  uint4 v[8];

RWStructuredBuffer<uint4> RW : register(u0);

[numthreads(64, 1, 1)]
void main(uint thr : SV_DispatchThreadID, uint wg : SV_GroupID)
  RW[thr] *= v[wg];

The output Vulkan GLSL is … funky:

#version 450
#extension GL_EXT_buffer_reference : require
#extension GL_EXT_buffer_reference_uvec2 : require
layout(local_size_x = 64, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;

struct AddCarry
  uint _m0;
  uint _m1;

layout(buffer_reference) buffer PhysicalPointerUint4NonWrite;
layout(buffer_reference, buffer_reference_align = 16, std430)
readonly buffer PhysicalPointerUint4NonWrite
  uvec4 value;

layout(set = 0, binding = 0, std430) buffer SSBO
  uvec4 _m0[];
} _14;

layout(push_constant, std430) uniform RootConstants
  uvec2 _m0;
} registers;

void main()
  AddCarry _33;

  // Pointer arithmetic is fun >:|
  _33._m0 = uaddCarry(registers._m0.x, gl_WorkGroupID.x * 16u, _33._m1);
  PhysicalPointerUint4NonWrite _40 =
    PhysicalPointerUint4NonWrite(uvec2(_33._m0, registers._m0.y +
  _14._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x] =
    uvec4(_14._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].x * _40.value.x,
          _14._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].y * _40.value.y,
          _14._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].z * _40.value.z,
          _14._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].w * _40.value.w);

In the BDA path of dxil-spirv, we encode the BDA in push constants, perform address calculation, cast that to a pointer and load. The critical part here is NonWritable decoration. This signals the compiler that the memory region can be assumed to not have been written to, even with aliasing in this shader module. This is subtly different from C const. Const can still observe aliasing through other pointer, but not in SPIR-V. This allows ACO to generate ideal code even from raw pointers:

s_mov_b32 s0, s3                   // S[3:4] holds BDA
s_lshl4_add_u32 s0, s5, s0         // S5 holds SV_GroupID.x here
s_add_u32 s1, s4, src_scc          // Handle carry for 64-bit + 32-bit
s_load_dwordx4 s[0:3], s[0:1], 0x0 // Scalar load from pointer
s_waitcnt vmcnt(0) lgkmcnt(0)
v_mul_lo_u32 v8, v4, s0
v_mul_lo_u32 v9, v5, s1
v_mul_lo_u32 v10, v6, s2
v_mul_lo_u32 v11, v7, s3

Nice. If we remove the NonWritable from SPIR-V assembly we get the depressing vector load instead, because compiler can no longer prove there is no potential aliased write (we’re doing pointer arithmetic after all), so we have to do it in the vector unit instead:

 global_load_dwordx4 v[4:7], v[2:3], off

Of course, if the shader is loading uniforms with varying offset we also need vector loads, e.g.:

cbuffer Cbuf : register(b0)
  uint4 v[8];

RWStructuredBuffer<uint4> RW : register(u0);

[numthreads(64, 1, 1)]
void main(uint thr : SV_DispatchThreadID, uint wg : SV_GroupID)
  RW[thr] *= v[thr & 7];
v_lshl_add_u32 v0, s5, 6, v0
v_and_b32_e32 v1, 7, v0
v_add_nc_u32_e32 v2, s0, v1                // Vectorized 64-bit + 32-bit
v_add_co_u32 v1, s[0:1], s0, v1
v_add_co_ci_u32_e64 v3, vcc, 0, s4, s[0:1]
global_load_dwordx4 v[4:7], v[2:3], off

The code-gen isn’t perfect here, but it accomplishes what we need for Root CBV. I am considering rewriting the pointer arithmetic for CBV to just use access chains instead, but that’s for another time …

(The existing codegen was designed for Root SRV / UAV which can do unaligned loads and stores in weird ways, and it is easier to do it this way with pointer arithmetic ._.)

(The reason we use uvec2 here is quirky. At the time, ACO only promoted 32-bit uints to User SGPRs, not 64-bit.)

3. Root constant – Global Root Signature – INLINE_UNIFORM_BUFFER workaround

If the driver does not support 256 byte push constants, we might be forced to fall back to inline UBO blocks instead of using push constants for massive root signatures. The generated code would look more or less the same as the BDA scenario shown above. Inline UBO on AMD is implemented in a way where the UBO data is stored at an offset from descriptor set pointer.

Now that BDA is widespread we might want to nuke this workaround and instead implement the workaround as a push constant BDA to memory we allocate ourselves. This removes the need to deal with annoying descriptor sets just to handle this case.

4. Root descriptor – Global Root Signature – Plain Descriptor

Push descriptors aren’t very special on AMD, so it gets lumped in with the others here. It just means the driver needs to allocate descriptor memory behind the scenes, which means extra CPU overhead. Descriptor paths on AMD have two indirections. This is why we prefer using BDA. For the example above with dynamically uniform address:

 RW[thr] *= v[wg];
s_movk_i32 s3, 0x8000
s_load_dwordx4 s[8:11], s[2:3], 0x0
s_buffer_load_dwordx4 s[0:3], s[8:11], s0

In SGPRs, pointers to descriptor sets can be pushed. Descriptor memory lives in a 4 GB virtual memory range, so RADV only needs to push a 32-bit pointer to store a descriptor set and the upper half is synthesized from a constant. From here, we load a UBO descriptor. With the descriptor in SGPR, we load the actual UBO data.

A thing to note here is how trivial it is to extend this to bindless / descriptor indexing. Just adjust the offset when loading the UBO descriptor and that’s all we need. No magic involved, descriptors are just memory in this model.

This path is preferred on NVIDIA however. Push descriptors are more “magical” there and the BDA path is very slow compared to that. 🙁

5. Root table – Global Root Signature

In root tables, we need to tap into descriptor indexing. The table parameter in D3D12 works like an offset into the ID3D12DescriptorHeap. This offset is placed in push constants, which we then use to offset into the heap. E.g. given this HLSL shader:

struct C { uint4 value; };
ConstantBuffer<C> CBVs[] : register(b10);
RWStructuredBuffer<uint4> RW : register(u1);

[numthreads(64, 1, 1)]
void main(uint thr : SV_DispatchThreadID, uint wg : SV_GroupID)
  RW[thr] *= CBVs[wg].value;

we end up with Vulkan GLSL looking like:

#version 450
#extension GL_EXT_buffer_reference : require
#extension GL_EXT_nonuniform_qualifier : require
layout(local_size_x = 64, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;

// If VK_VALVE_mutable_descriptor_type, SSBO and BindlessCBV can share
// same descriptor binding.
layout(set = 4, binding = 0, std430) buffer SSBO
  uvec4 _m0[];
} _14[];

layout(set = 5, binding = 0, std140) uniform BindlessCBV
  vec4 _m0[4096];
} _22[];

layout(push_constant, std430) uniform RootConstants
  uint _m0;
  uint _m1;
  uint _m2;
  uint _m3;
  uint _m4;
  uint _m5;
  uint _m6;
  uint _m7;
} registers;

void main()
  uint _29 = registers._m4 + 1u;
  uvec4 _52 = floatBitsToUint(_22[registers._m5 +
    (gl_WorkGroupID.x + 10u)]._m0[0u]);
  _14[_29]._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x] =
    uvec4(_14[_29]._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].x * _52.x,
          _14[_29]._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].y * _52.y,
          _14[_29]._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].z * _52.z,
          _14[_29]._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].w * _52.w);

The ISA looks like:

v_lshl_add_u32 v0, s6, 6, v0 // Compute DispatchThreadID.x
s_add_u32 s0, s6, s5         // Add GroupID.x + root table offset
s_lshl_b32 s0, s0, 4         // sizeof(UBO) == 16
s_mov_b32 s6, s3             // Build pointer to set
s_movk_i32 s7, 0x8000

// Load descriptor by index.
  // Missing constant offset here. LLVM disassembler bug I think ...
  // Raw opcode is f4080203 000000a0
s_load_dwordx4 s[8:11], s[6:7], s0

s_buffer_load_dwordx4 s[4:7], s[8:11], 0x0

Fundamentally, this is no different from legacy descriptors. The offset is just no longer constant.

6. Root table – Global Root Signature – NonUniformResourceIndex

Adding more spice, we’ll make the resource index not uniform. Descriptors on AMD have to live in scalar registers for good reasons, so for this case we will see a common pattern in advanced compute, waterfall loops.

struct C { uint4 value; };
ConstantBuffer<C> CBVs[] : register(b10);
RWStructuredBuffer<uint4> RW : register(u1);

[numthreads(64, 1, 1)]
void main(uint thr : SV_DispatchThreadID, uint wg : SV_GroupID)
  RW[thr] *= CBVs[NonUniformResourceIndex(thr % 3)].value;

This just translates to nonuniformEXT() in Vulkan GLSL, so there’s nothing interesting to see here, but the ISA is unrecognizable.

s_lshl_b32 s4, s4, 4
s_mov_b32 s0, s3
s_movk_i32 s3, 0x8000
s_load_dwordx4 s[8:11], s[2:3], s4
v_lshl_add_u32 v0, s6, 6, v0
v_mul_hi_u32 v1, v0, 0xaaaaaaab
v_lshrrev_b32_e32 v1, 1, v1
v_lshl_add_u32 v1, v1, 1, v1
v_sub_nc_u32_e32 v1, v0, v1
v_lshlrev_b32_e32 v0, 4, v0
s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
buffer_load_dwordx4 v[4:7], v0, s[8:11], 0 offen
v_add_lshl_u32 v1, s5, v1, 4
v_add_nc_u32_e32 v1, 0xa0, v1

s_mov_b64 s[2:3], exec
v_readfirstlane_b32 s1, v1
v_cmp_eq_i32_e32 vcc, s1, v1
s_and_saveexec_b64 s[4:5], vcc
s_cbranch_execz BB9
s_mov_b32 s6, s0
s_movk_i32 s7, 0x8000
s_load_dwordx4 s[12:15], s[6:7], s1
s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
s_buffer_load_dwordx4 s[12:15], s[12:15], 0x0
s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
v_mov_b32_e32 v1, s15
v_mov_b32_e32 v2, s14
v_mov_b32_e32 v3, s13
v_mov_b32_e32 v8, s12
s_andn2_b64 s[4:5], s[4:5], exec
s_cbranch_scc0 BB10
s_mov_b64 exec, s[4:5]
s_branch BB1

s_mov_b64 exec, s[2:3]
s_waitcnt vmcnt(0)

// Actually do the math.
v_mul_lo_u32 v8, v4, v8
v_mul_lo_u32 v9, v5, v3
v_mul_lo_u32 v10, v6, v2
v_mul_lo_u32 v11, v7, v1

// Store result.
buffer_store_dwordx4 v[8:11], v0, s[8:11], 0 offen

This is … a bit more complicated, but now we get to study the corner stone of SIMD-style control flow – execution masking – in more detail.

The principle behind waterfall loops is that we need to partition a wave into sets which have the same value. The more divergence in a wave, the more loop iterations are needed. For sake of simplicity in the example below, we can assume a wave size of 8 (it’s actually 64 here).

The descriptor indices could be something like: index = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1 }. The waterfall loop looks like this in pseudo-code:

uint dynamic_index = thr % 3;
for (;;)
  uint index = subgroupBroadcastFirst(dynamic_index);
  if (index == dynamic_index)
    desc = load_descriptor(index);
    data = load_data_from_descriptor(desc);
    break; // Stay tuned for structurization blogs, harharharhar :V

In the first iteration, we look at our active thread mask (0xff), find the first bit set, which is 0. Lane 0 holds the value 0.

v_readfirstlane_b32 s1, v1 // A compute enthusiast's best friend!

Any other lane with the same value can go ahead, so lane 0, 3 and 6 will enter the branch.

v_cmp_eq_i32_e32 vcc, s1, v1
s_and_saveexec_b64 s[4:5], vcc

The index is now known to be constant over the wave, so we can now load the UBO descriptor and data, but the result must be moved to vector registers since we don’t load from wave uniform resource indices here:

s_buffer_load_dwordx4 s[12:15], s[12:15], 0x0
// The v_mov is only executed for active lanes.
v_mov_b32_e32 v1, s15
v_mov_b32_e32 v2, s14
v_mov_b32_e32 v3, s13
v_mov_b32_e32 v8, s12

The lanes which participate are now masked out, and the exec mask would be 0xff & ~(0x01 | 0x08 | 0x40). In the next iteration, we look at the first active lane, which has the value 1, and so we roll on until all unique values have been processed. Neat!

s_cbranch_scc0 BB10 // Keep going until we've masked out all exec bits.

7. ResourceDescriptorHeap – SM 6.6

This is trivially similar to the root table case, so I’ll omit ISA here. The main problem is DXIL having to define a completely different set of opcodes for SM 6.6, but that’s another story <_<. Overall it is simpler. Root tables are translated to SM 6.6 automatically in dxil-spirv after all.

struct C { uint4 value; };
RWStructuredBuffer<uint4> RW : register(u0, space1);

[numthreads(64, 1, 1)]
void main(uint thr : SV_DispatchThreadID, uint wg : SV_GroupID)
  ConstantBuffer<C> CBV = ResourceDescriptorHeap[wg];
  RW[thr] *= CBV.value;
#version 450
#extension GL_EXT_nonuniform_qualifier : require
layout(local_size_x = 64, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;

layout(set = 0, binding = 0, std140) uniform BindlessCBV
  vec4 _m0[4096];
} _13[];

layout(set = 1, binding = 0, std430) buffer SSBO
  uvec4 _m0[];
} _18;

void main()
  uvec4 _34 = floatBitsToUint(_13[gl_WorkGroupID.x]._m0[0u]);
  _18._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x] =
    uvec4(_18._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].x * _34.x,
          _18._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].y * _34.y,
          _18._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].z * _34.z,
          _18._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].w * _34.w);

8. Root table / ResourceDescriptorHeap – Pascal workaround

On older NVIDIA hardware, we cannot use bindless UBO at all, as hardware does not support it. The workaround is to use bindless SSBO instead, with hilarious performance loss as a result :’)

9. Root constant – Local Root Signature

Local root signatures are an abomination. There is no fossilize-synth support for RTPSOs at this time, so I’ll resort to just showing the Vulkan GLSL equivalent. In Vulkan, the shader record block works just like an SSBO, but D3D12 insists on the abstracted model of root signatures, so when emitting code we need to consider if a resource belongs to the local root signature or global root signature.

struct CBVData { float4 v; };
ConstantBuffer<CBVData> SBTRootConstant : register(b0, space15);
ConstantBuffer<CBVData> SBTRootConstant2 : register(b1, space15);

struct Payload
  float4 color;
  int index;

void RayMiss(inout Payload payload)
  payload.color = SBTRootConstant.v;
  payload.color += SBTRootConstant2.v;
#version 460
#extension GL_EXT_ray_tracing : require
#extension GL_EXT_buffer_reference : require
#extension GL_EXT_nonuniform_qualifier : require

struct _19
  vec4 _m0;
  uint _m1;

layout(shaderRecordEXT, std430) buffer SBTBlock
  uint _m0[5];
  uint _m1[6];
  // ... Local root signature parameters.
  // The exact binary layout is implied by the root signature
  // parameter order.
} SBT;

layout(push_constant, std430) uniform RootConstants
  uint _m0;
  // ... Global root signature parameters
} registers;

layout(location = 0) rayPayloadInEXT _19 payload;

vec4 _67;

void main()
  vec4 _41 = uintBitsToFloat(uvec4(SBT._m0[0u], SBT._m0[1u], SBT._m0[2u], SBT._m0[3u]));
  vec4 _57 = uintBitsToFloat(uvec4(SBT._m1[0u], SBT._m1[1u], SBT._m1[2u], SBT._m1[3u]));
  // Ah, yes, the classic LLVM composite insert pattern from undef vector.
  // You thought DXIL didn't support composites? Think again! :D
  vec4 _66 = _67;
  _66.x = _41.x + _57.x;
  vec4 _68 = _66;
  _68.y = _41.y + _57.y;
  vec4 _69 = _68;
  _69.z = _41.z + _57.z;
  vec4 _70 = _69;
  _70.w = _41.w + _57.w;
  payload._m0 = _70;

10. Root descriptor – Local Root Signature

Unlike the global root signature, we are forced to use BDA here. It is physically impossible to translate this to push descriptors since we have no chance to observe this pointer on CPU side. The GPU can generate this pointer on its own. It’s a bit hilarious that we can use raw pointers like this on D3D12 since forever, but we cannot actually use the pointer directly in the shader 😐

The SPIR-V is similar to global root signature, we just have to source the BDA from record block instead.

AddCarry _31;
_31._m0 = uaddCarry(SBT._m6.x, 0u * 16u, _31._m1);
PhysicalPointerFloat4NonWrite _38 =
  PhysicalPointerFloat4NonWrite(uvec2(_31._m0, SBT._m6.y + _31._m1));
vec4 _57 = _58;
_57.x = payload._m0.x + _38.value.x;
vec4 _59 = _57;
_59.y = payload._m0.y + _38.value.y;
vec4 _60 = _59;
_60.z = payload._m0.z + _38.value.z;
vec4 _61 = _60;
_61.w = payload._m0.w + _38.value.w;
payload._m0 = _61;

11. Root table – Local Root Signature

Cursed mode. In global root signatures, a table costs 1 DWORD, but in local it’s 2, because we are expected to consume a full GPU VA which points to descriptors. Since we work with offsets, we synthesize a fake GPU VA pointer instead in ID3D12DescriptorHeap::GetGPUVirtualAddress(), which we can trivially convert to an offset and then sample the global heap, SM 6.6 style … The GPU VA is faked with the formula (unique_value << 32) + (offset * DescriptorIncrement)

struct CBVData { float4 v; };
ConstantBuffer<CBVData> SBTCBVs[] : register(b4, space15);

struct Payload
  float4 color;
  int index;

void RayMiss(inout Payload payload)
  payload.color += SBTCBVs[payload.index].v;
#version 460
#extension GL_EXT_ray_tracing : require
#extension GL_EXT_buffer_reference : require
#extension GL_EXT_nonuniform_qualifier : require

struct _25
  vec4 _m0;
  uint _m1;

layout(shaderRecordEXT, std430) buffer SBTBlock
  uint _m0[5];
  uint _m1[6];
  uvec2 _m2;
  uvec2 _m3;
  uvec2 _m4;
  uvec2 _m5;
  uvec2 _m6;
  uvec2 _m7;
  uvec2 _m8;
  uvec2 _m9;
  uvec2 _m10;
} SBT;

layout(set = 5, binding = 0, std140) uniform BindlessCBV
  vec4 _m0[4096];
} _24[];

layout(push_constant, std430) uniform RootConstants
  uint _m0;
  // ... Global root parameters
} registers;

layout(location = 0) rayPayloadInEXT _25 payload;

vec4 _62;

void main()
  // Extract offset in descriptor heap from VA.
  // The shift amount is configurable.
  uint _42 = ((SBT._m9.x >> 5u) + 13u) + payload._m1;
  vec4 _61 = _62;
  // Force nonuniformEXT here when indexing from SBT
  // since it's a bit unclear what dynamically uniform even means for RT.
  _61.x = payload._m0.x + _24[nonuniformEXT(_42)]._m0[0u].x;
  vec4 _63 = _61;
  _63.y = payload._m0.y + _24[nonuniformEXT(_42)]._m0[0u].y;
  vec4 _64 = _63;
  _64.z = payload._m0.z + _24[nonuniformEXT(_42)]._m0[0u].z;
  vec4 _65 = _64;
  _65.w = payload._m0.w + _24[nonuniformEXT(_42)]._m0[0u].w;
  payload._m0 = _65;

So there we have it, at least 11 different ways we can implement CBV in Vulkan from the exact same DXIL input … Oh never mind, make that 12 if we add the -no-legacy-cbuf-layout flag to DXC.

12. CBufferLoad vs LoadLegacy

Non-legacy loads force scalar loads for everything 🙁 It’s also horribly buggy in DXC and drivers, but that’s a story for another time. With legacy model, we only really had to consider loading 128 bits at once with a clean index into float4 array, but now we have a byte-offset based interface. Fortunately, basically no content uses this feature. It’s still opt-in in DXC despite being introduced with SM 6.0.

struct C { uint4 value; };
struct C64 { uint64_t4 value; };
RWStructuredBuffer<uint4> RW : register(u2);
ConstantBuffer<C> CBV : register(b0);
ConstantBuffer<C64> CBV64 : register(b1);

[numthreads(64, 1, 1)]
void main(uint thr : SV_DispatchThreadID, uint wg : SV_GroupID)
  RW[thr] *= CBV.value;
  RW[thr] *= uint4(CBV64.value);
#version 460
#extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 : require
#extension GL_EXT_buffer_reference : require
#extension GL_EXT_nonuniform_qualifier : require
#extension GL_EXT_scalar_block_layout : require
layout(local_size_x = 64, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;

layout(set = 4, binding = 0, std430) buffer SSBO
  uvec4 _m0[];
} _14[];

// We got descriptor aliasing, no problem!
// We also have actual scalar packing of uniforms :)
layout(set = 5, binding = 0, scalar) uniform BindlessCBV
  float _m0[16384];
} _21[];

layout(set = 5, binding = 0, scalar) uniform _25_28
  double _m0[8192];
} _28[];

layout(push_constant, std430) uniform RootConstants
  uint _m0;
  uint _m1;
  uint _m2;
  uint _m3;
  uint _m4;
  uint _m5;
  uint _m6;
  uint _m7;
} registers;

void main()
  uint _35 = registers._m4 + 2u;
  uint _42 = registers._m5 + 1u;

  // Please make it stop ...

  _14[_35]._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x] = uvec4(
    _14[_35]._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].x *
    _14[_35]._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].y *
    _14[_35]._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].z *
    _14[_35]._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].w *

  _14[_35]._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x] = uvec4(
    _14[_35]._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].x *
   _14[_35]._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].y *
   _14[_35]._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].z *
   _14[_35]._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].w *

Ugh … There isn’t too much we can do though, the DXIL is hardcoded to be scalar here despite all other buffer load interfaces being vectorized to some degree at least.

%5 = call i32 @dx.op.cbufferLoad.i32(i32 58, %dx.types.Handle %3, i32 0, i32 8) ; CBufferLoad(handle,byteOffset,alignment)
// Note the broken alignment, cute. :')
%6 = call i32 @dx.op.cbufferLoad.i32(i32 58, %dx.types.Handle %3, i32 4, i32 8) ; CBufferLoad(handle,byteOffset,alignment)
%7 = call i32 @dx.op.cbufferLoad.i32(i32 58, %dx.types.Handle %3, i32 8, i32 8) ; CBufferLoad(handle,byteOffset,alignment)
%8 = call i32 @dx.op.cbufferLoad.i32(i32 58, %dx.types.Handle %3, i32 12, i32 8) ; CBufferLoad(handle,byteOffset,alignment)

Without robustness, ACO manages to vectorize this garbage at least:

s_buffer_load_dwordx4 s[4:7], s[8:11], 0x0
s_buffer_load_dwordx4 s[8:11], s[12:15], 0x0
s_buffer_load_dwordx4 s[12:15], s[12:15], 0x10

This also holds even for robustness2, but if we start doing dynamically indexing the CBV like this, things collapse into noise since the DXIL mode is doing insane things with the byte offset here.

%5 = shl i32 %4, 4
%6 = call i32 @dx.op.cbufferLoad.i32(i32 58, %dx.types.Handle %3, i32 %5, i32 8) ; CBufferLoad(handle,byteOffset,alignment)
%7 = or i32 %5, 4
%8 = call i32 @dx.op.cbufferLoad.i32(i32 58, %dx.types.Handle %3, i32 %7, i32 8) ; CBufferLoad(handle,byteOffset,alignment)

%9 = add nsw i32 %7, 4

%10 = call i32 @dx.op.cbufferLoad.i32(i32 58, %dx.types.Handle %3, i32 %9, i32 8) ; CBufferLoad(handle,byteOffset,alignment)
%11 = or i32 %5, 12
%12 = call i32 @dx.op.cbufferLoad.i32(i32 58, %dx.types.Handle %3, i32 %11, i32 8) ; CBufferLoad(handle,byteOffset,alignment)

Sad compiler noises …

Bonus round

Other descriptor types?

At a fundamental level, once we have studied CBVs, there isn’t that much more to cover, except for some key edge cases. The only real differences is how big the descriptors are and the opcodes used with the descriptors, like image_sample, image_load, image_write, etc, but that’s not terribly interesting for this post, so I’ll leave it here.

Raw SRV / UAV vectorization

DXIL raw buffer opcodes are in general quite unfriendly to human readable representations, and it maps very poorly to SSBOs. The robustness rules are also horrible to work with, and making this all work was not fun. After a significant rework, dxil-spirv is somewhat competent now, I think.

The raw buffer interfaces do make sense from an ISA-targeting compiler point-of-view though, I just wish it was a bit more structured for the sake of my sanity … :V

Byte address buffers

ByteAddressBuffers are very annoying. In HLSL, there is only scalar alignment required for a load-store with no way for HLSL shaders to signal intended alignment. There is also a very strange robustness rule. Even for a vector load-store, robustness is per-component at a 16 byte granularity. (why …)

With a simple shader like this, we can do a good job:

RWByteAddressBuffer RW : register(u0);

[numthreads(64, 1, 1)]
void main(uint thr : SV_DispatchThreadID)
  float4 values = RW.Load<float4>(thr * 16 + 16);
  values += 1.0;
  RW.Store<float4>(thr * 16 + 16, values);

When we attempt to vectorize these loads and stores, we must be able to prove that the SSA expression can be divided by the load-store size, here 16. We can split the addition and compute the result: thr + 1. We then declare an aliased SSBO variant as float4[].

#version 460
layout(local_size_x = 64, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;

layout(set = 0, binding = 0, std430) buffer SSBO
  uvec4 _m0[];
} _10;

void main()
  vec4 _29 = uintBitsToFloat(_10._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x + 1u]);
  _10._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x + 1u] = uvec4(
    floatBitsToUint(_29.x + 1.0),
    floatBitsToUint(_29.y + 1.0),
    floatBitsToUint(_29.z + 1.0),
    floatBitsToUint(_29.w + 1.0));

The way we used to implement this was through 4 unrolled scalar load-stores. E.g. if address is changed to something weird like thr * 4 + 20 for the store, we cannot prove vectorization and we fall back into the old and bad code paths.

#version 460
layout(local_size_x = 64, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;

// These are declared with Aliased decorations in SPIR-V.
layout(set = 0, binding = 0, std430) buffer SSBO
  uint _m0[];
} _9;

layout(set = 0, binding = 0, std430) buffer _12_14
  uvec4 _m0[];
} _14;

void main()
  uint _22 = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x << 4u;
  uvec4 _30 = _14._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x + 1u];
  vec4 _33 = uintBitsToFloat(_30);
  uint _46 = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x + 5u;
  _9._m0[_46] = floatBitsToUint(_33.x + 1.0);
  _9._m0[_46 + 1u] = floatBitsToUint(_33.y + 1.0);
  _9._m0[_46 + 2u] = floatBitsToUint(_33.z + 1.0);
  _9._m0[_46 + 3u] = floatBitsToUint(_33.w + 1.0);

This is a case where robustness2 can matter quite a lot actually … Without robustness, ACO will generate:

v_add_f32_e32 v8, 1.0, v4
v_add_f32_e32 v9, 1.0, v5
v_add_f32_e32 v10, 1.0, v6
v_add_f32_e32 v11, 1.0, v7
buffer_store_dwordx4 v[8:11], v0, s[4:7], 0 offen offset:20

Memory operations on AMD are very flexible w.r.t. alignment fortunately! With robustness2 however, we cannot safely vectorize 🙁

buffer_store_dword v4, v0, s[4:7], 0 offen offset:20
buffer_store_dword v5, v0, s[4:7], 0 offen offset:24
buffer_store_dword v6, v0, s[4:7], 0 offen offset:28
buffer_store_dword v1, v0, s[4:7], 0 offen offset:32

If we emit the vectorized load-store ourselves, we can get vectorized load-store as expected.

The case with float3[] vectorization is very special. With scalar block layout we can implement it, but we need to consider the 16 byte robustness rule. On AMD, we get per-component robustness in hardware, but not on NVIDIA it seems, so for ByteAddressBuffer, float3[] can only conditionally be vectorized. We’re probably going a bit out of spec on Vulkan here I think, but it’s backed up by tests in the vkd3d-proton test suite.

RW.Store<float3>(thr * 12,;

ends up as

layout(set = 0, binding = 0, scalar) buffer _12_14
  uvec3 _m0[];
} _14;

 _14._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x] = uvec3(
  floatBitsToUint(_41.x + 1.0),
  // Individual components might be sliced here. >_<
  floatBitsToUint(_41.y + 1.0),
  floatBitsToUint(_41.z + 1.0));
buffer_store_dwordx3 v[4:6], v0, s[4:7], 0 offen
Structured buffer

Structured buffers are a bit simpler, but still annoying in practice. While the HLSL declares something like:

struct T { float4 a; float3 b; float c; };
RWStructuredBuffer<T> Buf;

This information is lost in the raw DXIL form except in some reflection metadata that we cannot fully trust. The interface for structured buffers is just:

  • Index (usually not constant)
  • Offset into structured element (usually constant)
  • Load-store size
  • Alignment (ignored, DXC emits nonsense here)

Ideally, we would be able to emit the equivalent in SSBO form, but the raw nature of DXIL doesn’t really care anymore about the data types. We can only get effective vectorization for composites like this if the stride aligns with the vector size.

An example here would be:

struct T { float4 a; float3 b; float c; };
RWStructuredBuffer<T> RW : register(u0);

[numthreads(64, 1, 1)]
void main(uint thr : SV_DispatchThreadID)
  T t = RW[thr];
  t.a += 1.0;
  t.b += 2.0;
  t.c += 3.0;
  RW[thr] = t;
// Alignment of 4? Sure ... Except we trivially know it's 32 ...
// Told you we cannot trust DXC here! <_<
%3 = call %dx.types.ResRet.f32 @dx.op.rawBufferLoad.f32(i32 139, %dx.types.Handle %1, i32 %2, i32 0, i8 15, i32 4) ; RawBufferLoad(srv,index,elementOffset,mask,alignment)

%8 = call %dx.types.ResRet.f32 @dx.op.rawBufferLoad.f32(i32 139, %dx.types.Handle %1, i32 %2, i32 16, i8 7, i32 4) ; RawBufferLoad(srv,index,elementOffset,mask,alignment)

%12 = call %dx.types.ResRet.f32 @dx.op.rawBufferLoad.f32(i32 139, %dx.types.Handle %1, i32 %2, i32 28, i8 1, i32 4) ; RawBufferLoad(srv,index,elementOffset,mask,alignment)

Since stride is 32, we can vectorize the float4, but not float3.

// float4 load
vec4 _29 = uintBitsToFloat(_14._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x * 2u]);

// float3 load
uint _37 = (gl_GlobalInvocationID.x * 8u) + 4u;
uint _40 = _9._m0[_37];
uint _44 = _9._m0[_37 + 1u];
uint _47 = _9._m0[_37 + 2u];
vec3 _50 = uintBitsToFloat(uvec3(_40, _44, _47));

// float load
uint _58 = _9._m0[(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x * 8u) + 7u];

// float4 store
_14._m0[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x * 2u] = uvec4(
  floatBitsToUint(_29.x + 1.0), floatBitsToUint(_29.y + 1.0),
  floatBitsToUint(_29.z + 1.0), floatBitsToUint(_29.w + 1.0));

// float3 store
uint _79 = (gl_GlobalInvocationID.x * 8u) + 4u;
_9._m0[_79] = floatBitsToUint(_50.x + 2.0);
_9._m0[_79 + 1u] = floatBitsToUint(_50.y + 2.0);
_9._m0[_79 + 2u] = floatBitsToUint(_50.z + 2.0);

// float store
_9._m0[(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x * 8u) + 7u] =
  floatBitsToUint(uintBitsToFloat(_58) + 3.0);
buffer_store_dwordx4 v[12:15], v0, s[4:7], 0 offen
buffer_store_dwordx4 v[4:7], v0, s[4:7], 0 offen offset:16

ACO is being an absolute champ here though, and even with robustness2 it can handle it. I think this happens because it can prove the address increments cannot overflow due to a POT index multiplier.

One saving grace of structured buffers is that it is undefined to straddle an element boundary. This means there is no byte address buffer hell of having to support per-component robustness. We can safely vectorize e.g.

RWStructuredBuffer<float3> Buf;

Root descriptor of ray tracing acceleration structure

If you ever wonder why OpConvertUToAccelerationStructureKHR exists, you can thank yours truly for creating a truly horrible monster.

struct Payload
  float4 color;

RaytracingAccelerationStructure AS_RootDesc : register(t0, space0);

void RayGen()
  RayDesc ray;
  ray.Origin = float3(1, 2, 3);
  ray.Direction = float3(0, 0, 1);
  ray.TMin = 1.0;
  ray.TMax = 4.0;

  Payload p;
  p.color = float4(1, 2, 3, 4);
  TraceRay(AS_RootDesc, RAY_FLAG_NONE, 0, 0, 0, 0, ray, p);
#version 460
#extension GL_EXT_ray_tracing : require
#extension GL_EXT_nonuniform_qualifier : require

struct _16
  vec4 _m0;

layout(shaderRecordEXT, std430) buffer SBTBlock
  uint _m0[5];
  uint _m1[6];
  uvec2 _m2; // Why hello there. I'm a cursed RTAS.
} SBT;

layout(location = 0) rayPayloadEXT _16 _18;

void main()
  _18._m0 = vec4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0);
    0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u,
    vec3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), 1.0,
    vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 4.0, 0);

Oh no!


Now you know probably a little too much about descriptors and you can go bug IHVs about this with confidence. D:

There’s a million different ways to do things when it comes to descriptors and D3D12 and Vulkan took completely different approaches here. Developers asked how things work and D3D12 said “… yes”. In response I say ÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆ.