YUV sampling in Vulkan – a niche and complicated feature – VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion

Sometimes I like to implement Vulkan extensions in Granite just because. This time around we’re looking at YUV.

For anyone who have worked with multimedia before, YUV (or YCbCr as it’s also referred to) is a nightmare. The act of converting YUV to RGB is very simple as it’s just a color space transform with a 3×3 matrix, but YUV means many things. There is no end to how overloaded YUV can be, and making sure you know exactly which YUV flavor you’re dealing with can be quite tricky. From a system integration point of view, YUV is a serious pain.

When dealing with video content in Vulkan, you will have to consume YUV somehow.

YUV has some characteristics which all make sense for video compression, but complicate things.

  • Planar: Each color component is often packed in different 2D images.
  • Luma/Chroma: Y refers to luminance, UV (or CbCr) refers to chrominance (color). This is critical for video compression.
  • Downsampled chroma. Human eyes have higher resolution for luminance vs color, so less bandwidth on color is an easy way to save space.

There is a lot of variance here between different YUV formats, as there is no obvious standard for these kinds of things.

  • How many planes? 2 or 3 are common (Y, U, V) vs (Y, packed UV). Packed single plane can be used in some other obscure scenarios. (YUYV and variations on that).
  • For packed representations, which component comes first?
  • How many bits per component? 8 is the most common, but 10-bit YUV content can be found in the wild.
  • How much is chroma downsampled? 2x horizontally and vertically is by far the most common, often referred to as YUV420p (the naming convension in YUV makes no sense, don’t try to find any).
  • Where is the texel center for the chroma samples? Common values are co-sited at every other luma sample, or in the mid-point between groups of 2×2 luma samples.
  • What is the exact color space conversion matrix from YUV to RGB?
  • How is chroma reconstructed to full resolution?

Dealing with YUV without fancy extensions

To render a YUV frame in RGB is not necessarily a difficult task, but depending on how many formats you need to deal with, shader variants can quickly get out of hand. You’ll typically do something like this:

layout(binding = 0) uniform TexLuma;
layout(binding = 1) uniform TexCb;
layout(binding = 2) uniform TexCr;

layout(location = 0) out vec3 FragColor;
layout(location = 0) in vec2 TexCoord;

const mat3 yuv_to_rgb_matrix = mat3(....);

void main()
    float Luma = textureLod(TexLuma, TexCoord, 0.0).x;
    float Cb = textureLod(TexCb, TexCoord, 0.0).x; // For mid-point chroma
    float Cr = textureLod(TexCr, TexCoord, 0.0).x;
    vec3 yuv = vec3(Luma, Cb, Cr);
    // Possibly expand range here if using TV YUV range and not PC YUV range.
    yuv = rescale_yuv(yuv);
    FragColor = yuv_to_rgb_matrix * yuv;

This is fine, but there is some motivation to do better here. Since watching video is one of the most common operations a GPU does, it would be nice if we could do this more efficiently, especially on low-power mobile devices with batteries attached to them. It would also be really nice if we could sample a video texture in our shader and have the GPU just “deal with it”.

The planar texture formats

VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion adds a lot of new texture formats to Vulkan. For YUV420p, we’re going to look at this format, VK_FORMAT_G8_B8_R8_3PLANE_420_UNORM.

In planar formats, we see that 3 color components are spread out across 3 planes, with a “420” here to mean that the second and third components are half resolution. “GBR” is a bit strange, but G refers to Y, and B and R refer to Cb and Cr respectively. Green is the strongest contributor to the luma Y channel after all, so I guess it kinda makes sense like that …

By having planar texture formats, it means that a texture unit of the GPU is actually able to sample 3 samples at once, meaning we will put a lot less stress on the GPU texturing unit. If we think of rendering video, this is a large part of the work done on the GPU. For lower-end mobile devices rendering 4K video without melting, this is actually really important.

The image aspects

In order to be able to refer to each plane separately when copying data in and out of the texture, we can use VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_PLANE_{0,1,2}_BIT. When copying to and from plane 1 and 2 in YUV420p, the resolutions of those planes are halved. VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT refers to the whole “GBR” as a whole, and it’s only useful when sampling the image.

Disjoint image allocation

Since we have 3 image planes, it is not weird to desire combining three separate images together. E.g. we can allocate three R8_UNORM images and make it planar later. This is supported and we’ll have to create and allocate images in a particular way.

First, we create the R8_UNORM images with VK_IMAGE_CREATE_ALIAS_BIT. This means that we will alias the image meaningfully with another image, even when using OPTIMAL image layout and image layouts are shared across aliases! We’ll use this to alias with a plane inside the planar texture later.

Be aware of alignment requirement. I’ve found that planar textures can need larger alignment than the single-component textures might need, so either using standalone allocations per plane, or bumping alignment to something like 64k works around that.

When we create the planar texture, we specify DISJOINT_BIT and ALIAS_BIT. For disjoint, it means we need to query allocation requirements and bind memory separately for each plane. To do this, we need to use vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2 and vkBindImageMemory2. Here, we just bind the same memory we used for our separate textures.

Setting up a sampler conversion object

The vkCreateSamplerYcbcrConversion function creates an object which encodes exactly how we will convert the planar components into RGB values.


// Which 3x3 YUV to RGB matrix is used?
// 601 is generally used for SD content.
// 709 for HD content.
// 2020 for UHD content.
// Can also use IDENTITY which lets you sample the raw YUV and
// do the conversion in shader code.
// At least you don't have to hit the texture unit 3 times.

// TV (NARROW) or PC (FULL) range for YUV?
// Usually, JPEG uses full range and broadcast content is narrow.
// If using narrow, the YUV components need to be
// rescaled before it can be converted.

// Deal with order of components.
info.components = {

// With NEAREST, chroma is duplicated to a 2x2 block for YUV420p.
// In fancy video players, you might even get bicubic/sinc
// interpolation filters for chroma because why not ...
info.chromaFilter = VK_FILTER_LINEAR;

// COSITED or MIDPOINT? I think normal YUV420p content is MIDPOINT,
// but not quite sure ...

// Not sure what this is for.
info.forceExplicitReconstruction = VK_FALSE;

// For YUV420p.
info.format = VK_FORMAT_G8_B8_R8_3PLANE_420_UNORM;

VkSamplerYcbcrConversion conversion;
table->vkCreateSamplerYcbcrConversionKHR(device, &info, nullptr,

Passing along to VkImageView and VkSampler

Both an image view and sampler which are used with KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion must have this sampler conversion object passed into it via pNext. This is because part of this information will be split up between the two objects. Planar and swizzle information is likely part of image view, while filtering and chroma siting is likely part of sampler object.

Immutable sampler

Some information is also relevant for the shader compiler, so for YCbCr sampling there are some restrictions. You have to use a COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER and the sampler must be immutable in the descriptor set layout. Since that immutable sampler contains the conversion object, this allows the shader compiler to see how to complete the transform where hardware support stops. This might just be performing the YUV to RGB conversion, or it lets the shader implement almost everything on its own.

In Granite, I pass along immutable sampler information in a rather crude way where I look at the declared name of a combined image sampler in the shader.

Putting it all together I can write shader code like this in Granite and sample YUV420p content directly:

#version 450

// "LinearYUV420P" guides reflection to use an immutable sampler.
// Not ideal since I need to know which YUV conversion to use ...
// But it works for now.
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform sampler2D uSamplerLinearYUV420P;
layout(location = 0) in vec2 vUV;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;

void main()
    // It's just like sampling a regular texture :D
    FragColor = textureLod(uSamplerLinearYUV420P, vUV, 0.0);

Getting fancy with hardware video decoding

The natural way to extend this is to use hardware video decoding, export each plane as external memory, and import it in Vulkan. DISJOINT allocation comes in handy here since we don’t have to rely on a video decoder exporting a full planar image as one large unit. I haven’t looked into this yet though, but I suggest looking at MPV here. There seems to be some support for this kind of zero-copy flow with Vulkan.

Was all of this really all that useful?

Not really, but I have some ideas to add a “video texture material” in the future to Granite, so it might come in handy later. There might be some use for it in graphics programming where bandwidth is saved by encoding post-process render targets to YUV. That way, sampling the YUV post targets shouldn’t require a lot of manual hackery.